Departamentul de educaţie medicală şi cercetare

Acest department are ca scop susţinerea educaţiei medicale continue în domeniul anesteziei şi terapiei intensive şi îşi propune de asemenea să susţină şi să coordoneze proiecte de cercetare la nivel naţional şi internaţional.



The ROMANIAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE Clinical Trial Network provides an infrastructure for Clinical Institutions, clinicians and scientists allowing to work collaboratively across international borders to improve the care of patients in the field of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. The aim of the SRATI Clinical Trial Network (SRATI-CTN) is to build such a collaborative network.


In view of these facts, the SRATI, as a society with more than 2000 members working in Romania, decided in 2017 to establish the SRATI-CTN, to facilitate, integrate and support clinical anaesthesiology research on an international level. 

Join the Clinical Trial Network

The call for centers is open!

Call for Study proposals 

Call for study proposals is now open!

CTN proposals 

The SRATI Research Committee selection for the new SRATI-CTN study proposals for the 2017-2018 SRATI-CTN will be available in August 2017.


Please visit the SRATI Medical Education and Research webpage or contact 

Alexandru Rogobete SRATI Research Secretariat, Research Department at

SRATI Research Department Secretariat

Alexandru Rogobete, MSc, PhDs, Clin Res

Liviu Rebreanu Bd., Nr. 156, Emergency County Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara, Romania, 

T: 0040729101221, E: